Raudonskardis geological outcrop

56.144, 22.814
How to get?
  • 12_Raudonskardžio atodanga.jpg
Raudonskardis – a clay hill overlooking the River Venta. In 1933, the local historian Jonas Matas, who lived in Šemetaičiai inscribed the following testimony: "There is a hole in Raudonskardis: half of the fathom ine one way, half in another - a square. We used to throw stones into that hole, the stones would fall to the bottom just like in a furnace – making all kinds of sounds. And we were afraid to get in it so that it wouldn't fall apart on us. Nobody knows who made that hole, and nobody spoke about it, not even old people. Only clay slipped down. Raudonskardis is all made of clay." Glacial formations – brownish moraine layers – can be seen at Raudonsakrdis outcrop which formed during the last glacial period. The panorama of the valley can be viewed from Raudonskardis, which overlooks the levels of several terraces. Otcruop heigh reaches up to 20 m. It reveals up to the surface of the moraine plain, the upper layers of the Quaternary deposits, the lower ones being hidden under the diluvium.