The purpose of reserves is the following:

  • to preserve territorial complexes (values) of natural and cultural heritage and localities;
  • to ensure landscape and biodiversity and ecological equilibrium;
  • to preserve habitats and species of wild animals, plants and mushrooms, as well as their population of genetic value;
  • to create conditions for research and educational tourism;
  • to promote natural and cultural heritage.

According to the character of protected values, the reserves are divided into natural (geological, geomorphological, hydrographical, pedological, botanical, zoological, botanical-zoological, genetic, thelmological, talasological), cultural reserves (archaeological, historical, ethnocultural, urban/architectural) and complex reserves (landscape)).

According to the peculiarities of their establishment and organisation of activities, the strict reserves may be grouped as follows: 1) state reserves; 2) municipal reserves, and 3) reserves within state parks and biosphere reserves.

No activity that could cause harm to the protected complexes and objects is allowed in the reserves. The statutory regulation of activities differs with regard to state and municipal reserves and the reserves located within state parks and biosphere reserves.
