Žingiai Burial Mounds

55.011, 25.581
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  • image-020-gigapixel-standard-scale-6_00x.jpg
  • 15_Žingių pilkapiai Viniaus r. 2016 (1).jpg

Žingiai burial ground is located in Vilnius district. It contains 90 burial mounds and the remains of 3 excavated burial mounds. They are from 8-10 m to 13-15 m in diameter and 0.3-0.6 to 1.2-1.5 m high, surrounded by circular and elongated pits or ditches at the base. Part of the burial mounds are ruined. In 1935, 3 burial mounds were excavated, in two of them cremated human graves without burials were found, and in the third - the demolition burial of a horse. The burial ground dates back to the 9th - 12th centuries.