Viekšiai water mill

56.232, 22.521
How to get?
  • 26_Viekšnių vandens malūnas.jpg
In Viekšniai, one of the most visited places is the old water mill, which is a technical monument. It was built in 1897 by Pranciškus Lengvenis. The embankment was completed, paving the way for the River Venta and forcing it to spin the mill turbine. The building of the red brick mill has survived the time without major alterations, a turbine manufactred by a talented master of this region V. Juodeikis survived to this day. On the ground floor of the building were milling equipment and a "people's farmhouse", on the second floor - mills, perches, a sieve and miller's apartment (2 rooms with a kitchen) and a room for the master and apprentices were located. The third floor, called the garret, had a large wheel that spun the lift with grain bags.