Sartai Regional Park Visitor Center

55.747, 25.841
Ph. No.
How to get?
  • 14_Sartų regioninio parko Lankytojų centras. Autorius Sartų ir Gražutės RP direkcija.jpg
  • 14_Sartų regioninio parko lankytojų centro ekspozicija.Autorius Sartų ir Gražutės RP direkcija.jpg

Those traveling in Sartai Regional Park and wanting to get acquainted with its values ​​in detail can do so by visiting the Sartai Regional Park Visitor Center. There is an exposition where you can find comprehensive information about the values ​​of Sartai Regional Park.
The exposition of the Visitor Center includes information terminals, film viewing equipment, interactive stands, and the sounds of nature can be heard so that visitors can experience a direct sense of nature. You can see a video about the emergence of Lake Sartai, the symbol of the regional park - the gorge. There is detailed information on natural and cultural heritage values. A separate stand with footage is dedicated to horse racing, which has a tradition in Dusetos for more than 100 years. Much attention has been paid to the "discoveries" and education of young visitors. One room is dedicated to the exposition about the tribes of the Selians and their life. There is a real old wooden boat with built-in audio listening equipment. Here the visitor can sit down and listen to the legends and legends. A view is projected on the wall, as if you were swimming in a lake by boat. Man and woman mannequins with reconstruction of straw clothes are exhibited. The idea of ​​Lake Sartai is presented in the exposition using  special material and subtle lighting. This environment, reminiscent of water ripples, incorporates sleek forms of exhibition walls, interactive tables, old boats, oars, and fish paintings.

Working hours (May-September):
II–V 8.00–17.00
VI    9.00–16.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45

Working hours (October-April):
I–IV 8.00–17.00
V     8.00–15.45
Lunch break: 12.00–12.45
