Pasakarnis Manor Homestead

55.583, 23.261
How to get?
  • 13_Pašakarnio dvaro liepų alėja (1).jpg
  • 13_Pašakarnio dvaro dubeniuotasis akmuo.jpg
The manor house was mentioned in written sources as early as 1578. The last owners - landlords Zaleckis. In Soviet times, a collective farm office and a primary school were located in the manor buildings. Later, as the families settled down, the structure was poorly maintained, so it quickly began to collapse and was demolished. Feed Park - small, no clear spatial structure. It is dominated by native trees. Among the more valuable foreign lands, the following are mentioned: big-leaved lily, siberian larch, gray poplar, chestnut. Here you can also look at the bowl stone found in the foundations of the manor house.