Hollow pine - Varėnos MU, Marcinkonių g-ja (127 kv., 29 skl.)

54.072, 24.388
How to get?
  • 7_Varėnos miškų urėdijos Marcinkonių g-jos (127 kv., 29 skl.).jpg
There are very old bee-keeping traditions in the forest of Dzūkija. During hard times, people would face a shortage bread or money but they would never experience a lack of honey. Honey and wax has been the main source of income for many inhabitants for a long time. They used to climb trees by using special equipment that is exhibited at the Ethnographic Museum in Marcinkonys. Bees can be found living in the hollows of the Ancient Bee-Keeping Path located in the environs of Musteika.